For additional information please send an email to the RL Award Manager:
Postal Address:
Radioamateurs du Luxembourg
Award Manager
P.O.Box 1352
Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (Europe)
The LX Award

The LX AWARD has been issued since 1970 by the (RL), a member society of IARU, in commemoration of 50 years of amateur radio activity in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The Award is available to licenced radio amateurs and short wave listeners. All LX contacts made by radio amateurs since January 1st 1951 (except 50MHz since March 2nd 1990) count for the LX Award.
The award is issued in two sections:
Applicants must provide proof of having obtained the following number of points:
European stations: 30 points (of which at least 20% should be on 1.8; 3.5 or 7 MHz). Each contact counts 1 point
Non-European stations: 20 points.
Each contact on 14, 18, 21, 24 and 28 MHz counts 1 point
Each contact on 1.8, 3.5, 7 and 10 MHz counts 2 points
If the same station has been worked on all HF bands, European stations my count 10 points and non-European stations 15 points.
b) THE VHF AWARD (above 30 MHz):
Applicants must provide proof of having obtained the following number of points:
European stations: 30 points.
Non-European stations: 20 points.
Each contact on 50 MHz counts 5 points
Each contact on 144 MHz counts 3 points
Each contact on 432 MHz or above counts 5 points
Contacts via earthbound repeaters are not valid
If all contacts have been made on a single band, there will be a special mention on the award. The same station may be worked once on each band in different modes. There is no restriction on the mode used Applicants should submit a list showing the date, station worked or heard, time, band and mode, duly certified by two licenced radio amateurs or by the award manager of their society.
The applications should be sent to:
Radiamateurs du Luxembourg
The Awards Manager
P.O.BOX 1352
The fee for the award is USD 8 or EUR 5. Any dispute concerning the LX Award shall be settled definitively by the Board of the RL
LX Castles Award

Work as many Luxembourg castles on HF as possible.
The LX Castle Award exits in 3 different levels of difficulty. For each a different diploma is issued. Contacts count since Januray 1st 2009.
1. General Information
The Luxembourg Castle Award was issued in 2009 by the – RL – to promote radio-amateurisme and valorise Luxembourg’s historical and architectural patrimony.
For this award we count a maximum of 55 castles in 3 districts and 12 cantons.
2. Rules
The Award is available to licensed radio amateurs and shortwave-listeners.
Two way contacts on HF bands (160 to 10 meters and 6 meters) must be established. Contacts made via active earthbound reflectors, repeaters and Echolink may not be counted. There is no restriction on the mode used.
Any dispute concerning the award shall be settled by the RL Board.
3. AwardsBasic – 1 Castle in each District (3); Cantons – 1 Castle in each Canton (12); All – All Castles (55).
Each award is numbered.
4. Applications
The application fee is USD 8 or EUR 5 .
Applications shall be sent to:
Radioamateurs du Luxembourg P.O. Box 1352 L-1013 Luxembourg |
(Please check if your postal service is able to deliver mail to Post Office Boxes. Please also send an email to the Award manager to inform him that you sent out your application)
5. Castle Activations
Activation: Each valid operation has to take place from a distance not exceeding 1000 meters (1km) from the castle.
All participiants (LX and foreign radio-amateurs) who like to activate a castle are required to announce the activity by sending an email to at least 3 days before the event for validation.
Exceptions: Those LX radio-amateurs, members of the RL, living in a town with a castle are valid for this castle. To see which callsigns are valid, please check the LX Castle Callbook.

Example: Any activation of a castle can be done in the inner limits of the Activation Zone as shown on the illustration. Whereas the castle is situated in Town A, the Activation Zone is valid 1 km around the castle. Therefore also the part of the zone that is located on the Town B territory counts for the castle for mobile or portable operations. Any Radio Amateur who lives in Town A counts for the castle, however a Radio Amateur living in Town B does not count for the castle, even if his shack is located in the Activation Zone.
6. Miscellanous
The RL will publish a list of special events and activations on its website. A national castle activation day will be held once a year to promote the award.
7. Castles and References
Ref. | Castle | Commune | Canton | District |
LX-01 | LUXEMBOURG-CITY * | Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
LX-02 | ANSEMBOURG | Tuntange | Mersch | Luxembourg |
LX-03 | ASPELT | Frisange | Esch/Alzette | Luxembourg |
LX-04 | BEAUFORT | Beaufort | Echternach | Diekirch |
LX-05 | BERBOURG | Manternach | Grevenmacher | Grevenmacher |
LX-06 | BERG (COLMAR) | Colmar Berg | Mersch | Luxembourg |
LX-07 | BERTRANGE | Bertrange | Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
LX-08 | BETTANGE/MESS | Dippach | Capellen | Luxembourg |
LX-09 | BETTEMBOURG | Bettembourg | Esch/Alzette | Luxembourg |
LX-10 | BETTENDORF | Bettendorf | Diekirch | Diekirch |
LX-11 | BETZDORF | Betzdorf | Grevenmacher | Grevenmacher |
LX-12 | BIRTRANGE | Schieren | Diekirch | Diekirch |
LX-13 | BORN | Mompach | Echternach | Grevenmacher |
LX-14 | BOURGLINSTER | Junglinster | Grevenmacher | Grevenmacher |
LX-15 | BOURSCHEID | Bourscheid | Diekirch | Diekirch |
LX-16 | BRANDENBOURG | Tandel | Diekirch | Diekirch |
LX-17 | CLERVAUX | Clervaux | Clervaux | Diekirch |
LX-18 | COLPACH | Ell | Redange | Diekirch |
LX-19 | DIFFERDANGE | Differdange | Esch/Alzette | Luxembourg |
LX-20 | DUDELANGE | Dudelange | Esch/Alzette | Luxembourg |
LX-21 | ELL | Ell | Redange | Diekirch |
LX-22 | ERPELDANGE | Ettelbruck | Diekirch | Diekirch |
LX-23 | ESCH/ALZETTE | Esch/Alzette | Esch/Alzette | Luxembourg |
LX-24 | ESCH/SURE | Esch/Sûre | Wiltz | Diekirch |
LX-25 | EVERLANGE | Useldange | Redange | Diekirch |
LX-26 | FISCHBACH | Mersch | Mersch | Luxembourg |
LX-27 | HEFFINGEN | Heffingen | Mersch | Luxembourg |
LX-28 | HEISDORF | Steinsel | Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
LX-29 | HERINGEN | Muellerthal | Waldbillig | Grevenmacher |
LX-30 | HESPERANGE | Hesperange | Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
LX-31 | HOLLENFELS | Tuntange | Mersch | Luxembourg |
LX-32 | KOERICH | Koerich | Capellen | Luxembourg |
LX-33 | LAROCHETTE | Larochette | Mersch | Luxembourg |
LX-34 | MERSCH | Mersch | Mersch | Luxembourg |
LX-35 | MEYSEMBOURG | Larochette | Mersch | Luxembourg |
LX-36 | MOESTROFF | Bettendorf | Diekirch | Diekirch |
LX-37 | MUNSBACH | Schuttrange | Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
LX-38 | PETTANGE | Mersch | Mersch | Luxembourg |
LX-39 | ROSPORT | Rosport | Echternach | Grevenmacher |
LX-40 | SANEM | Sanem | Esch/Alzette | Luxembourg |
LX-41 | SCHENGEN | Remerschen | Remich | Grevenmacher |
LX-42 | SCHOENFELS | Mersch | Mersch | Luxembourg |
LX-43 | SCHORELS | Eschette | Redange | Diekirch |
LX-44 | SCHRASSIG | Schuttrange | Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
LX-45 | SCHUTTBOURG | Kautenbach | Wiltz | Diekirch |
LX-46 | SEPTFONTAINES | Septfontaines | Capellen | Luxembourg |
LX-47 | STADTBREDIMUS | Stadtbredimus | Remich | Grevenmacher |
LX-48 | STOLZEMBOURG | Putscheid | Vianden | Diekirch |
LX-49 | USELDANGE | Useldange | Redange | Luxembourg |
LX-50 | VIANDEN | Vianden | Vianden | Diekirch |
LX-51 | WALFERDANGE | Walferdange | Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
LX-52 | OBERWAMPACH | Wincrange | Wiltz | Diekirch |
LX-53 | WEILER/LA/TOUR | Weiler-La-Tour | Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
LX-54 | WILTZ | Wiltz | Wiltz | Diekirch |
LX-55 | WINTRANGE | Remerschen | Remich | Grevenmacher |
LX-01 Luxembourg-City *
Bock |
Dommeldange |
Gouverneur |
Mansfeld |
Palais Grand-Ducal |
Septfontaines |
The Districts and their Cantons

European Community Award

The European Community Award is an official diploma initially issued by the „Radioamateurs du Luxembourg“ in order to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the European Community.
The diploma is available to licensed radio amateurs and short wave listeners (SWL).
Each contact with a station from one of the member countries of the European Community made on or after the day of its accession to the European Community counts 1 point. (see list below)
- Each station may be counted only once.
- No more than 20% of the points may be obtained by contacts with one and the same member country
- A contact with the special station LX0RL may replace a missing contact with any of the member countries
- Contacts made via active earthbound reflectors or repeaters may not be counted.
- There are no band or mode restrictions.
- EUROPEAN applicants must amass 100 points: each member country must be worked at least once; 5 LX-Stations must also be worked. No more than 10 contacts with stations from the applicant’s own country may be counted.
- NON-EUROPEAN stations must amass 50 points: each member country must be worked at least once; 3 LX-Stations must also be worked.
- Applicants shall submit a GCR-list confimed by two licensed amateurs, or by one club official or by a notary. However, in case of doubt, the dipIoma manager may ask the applicant to submit the QSL-Cards for checking purposes.
- The application fee is lO IRCs or 4 US $ or 200 Flux or 7 DM.
Applications shall be sent to:
Radioamateurs du Luxembourg
Award’s Manager PO. Box 1352, L-1013 Luxembourg
RL – 75th Anniversary Award

The „RL – 75th Anniversary Award“ was issued for the 75th anniversary of the RL in 2012.
Special club-callsign was LX75RL.
Le diplôme est ouvert aux radioamateurs licenciés et aux écouteurs. L’activité se passe du 1 janvier 2012 jusqu’au 31 decembre 2012. Des contacts dans les deux sens doivent être établis sur les bandes decametriques (160 a 10 mètres et 6 mètres). Les contacts établis par des réflecteurs terrestres, des relais et par EchoLink ne seront pas pris en considération. Tous les modes peuvent être utilisés.
The event is over but the Award can still be reclaimed
Luxembourg – European Capital of Culture 2007 Award

A Special Award for the celebration of Luxembourg and the Greater Region being European Capital of Culture in 2007. Special Event Callsigns are: LX2007L LX2007G LX2007D.

The event is over but the Award can still be reclaimed
Luxembourg – European City of Culture 1995 Award

The European City of Culture 1995 Award was the official diploma issued by the RL to celebrate the fact that the capital city of Luxembourg has been chosen European City of Culture during the year 1995.
Special callsign for that occasion was LX95VEC.
Independancy Award (1989)

This Award was issued for the 150th anniversary of the Independency of Luxembourg in 1989.
Special callsign during that occasion was LX150L